The cooperative wins a centra European tender in Großjedlersdorf and Stammersdorf Ort
Looking forward to Christmas Holidays, Barbara B employees installed a tall Christmas tree at Pinderfields General Hospital, about 20 feet high. In the next few days, the tree will be decorated by the hospital staff and will be inaugurated. This is the second tree placed in Yorkshire, with the first already installed at Dewsbury district Hospital.
La Repubblica - The newspaper edited by Maurizio Molinari dedicates a substantial article to the contract won by our Cooperative in the Leeds area.
On November 9, Barbara B started, with great satisfaction, an important new contract – it is the management by five-year concession of the cemetery areas of the City of Carpi (Modena).
For our company, this is an important achievement along with the fifteen-year concession of the cemeteries of the City of Piacenza.
A FLOWER TO NOT FORGET is a new project that is seeing Barbara B as one of the major promoters, also being the larger shareholder in the Piacenza Servizi Cimiteriali joint venture. This project has also the full support of Gruppo Fioristi Confcommercio Piacenza. The idea behind the project comes from the fact that more than 300 tombs in the urban cemeteries of Piacenza are currently abandoned having no more relatives to take care of them. Nevertheless, a community has the duty of remember even those who have no family to commemorate any more. For this reason, we decided to take action and to lay a flower on each and every unattended tomb to pay our respect. Gruppo Fioristi Confcommercio Piacenza immediately joined Piacenza Servizi Cimiteriali in this project and they provided it with a donation of 300 plants.
From October 1st, Barbara B is in charge of all cemetery services in 14 cemeteries in the east of Genoa and in Val Bisagno. Along with the cemetery services, we are committed to offering to the local community a dignified and safe place thanks to our cleaning service of all the inner pathways.
From August 26th, Barbara B together with Emilio Guadagno srl, a local company, is the new supplier for the Cemetery of Naples, with a two-year contract.
We can't hide how glad we are for achieving this professional goal, so important for our social cooperative.
And now, for the sake of the citizens of Naples, let's get it done!
On May 30th, all playgrounds in Turin public parks were reopen to the public. The City issued the new regulation to access these areas, underlining the importance of daily sanitization. In the last months, Barbara B, on behalf of IREN, has carried out the cleaning and tiding of Turin public parks and gardens; with the new City policies we will proceed to the daily sanitization of about 300 playground so that kids and their families will be able to safely access those areas.
In the last months, the dramatic situation that the City of Piacenza has endured was widely reported on the media. It was also reported how Barbara B has granted all the cemetery services even in emergency conditions. This has been possible thanks to the important work of our colleagues and to a prompt reorganization and on-the-field management.
Bumping into a honeycomb in a cemetery it’s not unusual – if that’s the case we’ve got to action promptly for the safety of the visitors, the staff and…the bees themselves! Here’s how we do it: we contact a local professional beekeeper; they’ll remove the honeycomb that can be later placed into a beehive granting survival to the bees and fresh honey to all of us!